
I Was Interviewed By My Wife On The Definition of LOVE

Yesterday while I was eating my breakfast my wife came to me and let me know that she would love to interview me on her SOA Inspired podcast. With no hesitation I began to scoff down my pancakes all while she set up. To set the Valentine’s Day mood, she interviewed me about love on her 3rd episode titled, ‘The Love Episode and Why I pray for my husband.’

My wife and I have been married going on 8 years and have been in a relationship since high school. From it we have seen each other’s highs and lows and we continue to love each other and yearn to know each other more. As we sit down for 30 minutes, my wife asked me everything from “When did I love love her?,” “What’s my definition of love?,” “What I feel about relationship goals?,” “What advice I would give a single person who is excited about marriage?” and “Do I think their is enough representation of black love?”

Make sure you follow SOA Inspired on all social media: @soainspired on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Also, follow @doseofom on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Youtube.

Checkout the interview at anchor.fm or spotify:

View a few photos of us through time. These are in random order, can you figure out which one is of us in high school?

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